Home & Fleur is an online lifestyle store for beautiful little things that make our everyday life more special. All products are carefully selected and come from small independent brands and makers from all around the world.

I’m Vita, I am a stylist and photographer who has a strong passion for handmade and traditional handcrafts. During many years of growing my own creative brand of crochet decor and working for small businesses, I met and discovered so many amazingly talented artists whose works and creations I admire. I then decided to open Home & Fleur, a place where I would collect unique handmade items that have a personality and a story to tell.

I am drawn to the concept of simple and slow living and I truly believe that if we surround ourselves in our daily life with objects that fill us with joy, we can experience more of those small happy moments.

When it comes to selecting products for the shop, I listen to my own intuition and follow my personal taste. I choose only those items that I would love to use myself. Also a personal connection to the makers behind the brands is very important to me. I need to fall in love with their story, their way of life and work values. I am always in contact with my suppliers, we work together, we support each other, we are more than just partners. This friendly relationship is extremely valuable to me and I consider it my mission to help all amazing small businesses grow and flourish.

Home & Fleur opened in July 2019, and I am grateful for the growing community since then. I hope that at Home & Fleur you find a lot of inspiration for a more beautiful, more creative and slower life.


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